In-app purchase (IAP) usually refers to the acquisition of a feature for an application from within the application itself or the buying of digital goods from within an application.
As of about May 2014 this year, searching Google for "ios in app purchase promotion code", yields lots of news sites …
ios iphone in-app-purchase app-store-connect promotion-codeHi i'm trying to add in app purchases to my app i have set up my in app purchases on …
android in-app-purchase in-app-billingI use In App Payment to sell ingame consumables. After successfull payment I forward the payment receipt to my backend, …
ios in-app-purchase sandboxI am trying to implement in-app-billing API in my app but when I run my app it trows an exception. …
android in-app-purchase in-app-billingAll my recent Android app purchases show a new order ID format. The OLD format: [merchant ID].[actual order ID] …
android in-app-purchase in-app-billing android-payI heard from someone that on App Store, everything you sell or anything the user buys, Apple must have their 30% …
android in-app-purchase google-play app-store policiesI am trying to display the price of an in app purchase using the local currency, so the correct dollar …
ios swift in-app-purchaseI set up a beta account to test IAP for google app that I am working on, the issue I …
android google-play in-app-purchase in-app-billingThis is a follow-up question to "In app purchases with MKStoreKit failing: “Problem in iTunes connect configuration for product: xxx" …
in-app-purchase app-store-connect subscriptionsI am using this code for in-app purchases, took it from RaywernderLich's tutorial. // Encode the receiptData for the itms receipt …
iphone objective-c ios7 in-app-purchase