Top "In-app-purchase" questions

In-app purchase (IAP) usually refers to the acquisition of a feature for an application from within the application itself or the buying of digital goods from within an application.

How to create a promotion code for iOS in-app purchases

As of about May 2014 this year, searching Google for "ios in app purchase promotion code", yields lots of news sites …

ios iphone in-app-purchase app-store-connect promotion-code
Android inventory.getSkuDetails() returning null

Hi i'm trying to add in app purchases to my app i have set up my in app purchases on …

android in-app-purchase in-app-billing
iOS In App Purchase: Will Apple reviewers test live or sandbox environment?

I use In App Payment to sell ingame consumables. After successfull payment I forward the payment receipt to my backend, …

ios in-app-purchase sandbox
IAB helper is not set up. Can't perform operation: queryInventory

I am trying to implement in-app-billing API in my app but when I run my app it trows an exception. …

android in-app-purchase in-app-billing
Google Play Order ID updated to new format

All my recent Android app purchases show a new order ID format. The OLD format: [merchant ID].[actual order ID] …

android in-app-purchase in-app-billing android-pay
Google Play/App Store in-app purchase policies

I heard from someone that on App Store, everything you sell or anything the user buys, Apple must have their 30% …

android in-app-purchase google-play app-store policies
How to get Local Currency for SKProduct | Display IAP Price in Swift

I am trying to display the price of an in app purchase using the local currency, so the correct dollar …

ios swift in-app-purchase
How to remove test IAP purchase from Android Google Play

I set up a beta account to test IAP for google app that I am working on, the issue I …

android google-play in-app-purchase in-app-billing
Resolving invalid product id issue with in-app purchases?

This is a follow-up question to "In app purchases with MKStoreKit failing: “Problem in iTunes connect configuration for product: xxx" …

in-app-purchase app-store-connect subscriptions
Deprecated TransactionReceipt

I am using this code for in-app purchases, took it from RaywernderLich's tutorial. // Encode the receiptData for the itms receipt …

iphone objective-c ios7 in-app-purchase