Top "In-app-purchase" questions

In-app purchase (IAP) usually refers to the acquisition of a feature for an application from within the application itself or the buying of digital goods from within an application.

In App purchase in iOS suddenly stop working ( Error code=5002 occurred )

I have integrated in-App purchase in my application successfully. I tested it properly by making test user account in itunes. …

ios in-app-purchase
Cancel auto-renewal subscriptions with Swift

I want to create a button where a user can cancel a auto-renewal subscription (or get redirected to App Store). …

ios swift in-app-purchase storekit renewal
What to use as the developer payload in Google In-App Billing APIs?

The training class for Selling In-app Products in Android suggests to use a payload when making a purchase request: The …

android security in-app-purchase in-app-billing
Change paid app to free but know if user previously purchased it

I am considering changing my paid iOS app to be free, making it ad based, and having an in-app purchase …

ios in-app-purchase
iOS Incompatible block pointer types issue

I have an implementation problem with a project using MKStoreKit. I am trying to implement an UIAlertView with various purchase …

ios objective-c in-app-purchase uialertview mkstorekit
Apple reject because of In app purchase not implement restore

I got rejected by Apple with a message saying: ... Additionally, we found that while your app offers In-App Purchase(s) …

iphone objective-c in-app-purchase restore
Android - How to check if subscription is renewed?

I have an android app with renewable monthly subscriptions. In this app I want to notify user some info when …

android in-app-purchase in-app-billing
In app purchase not working after publishing iOS app to App Store

During development I've created test accounts which are able to obtain the price of the in app purchase as well …

ios in-app-purchase
Check if user cancelled SKPaymentTransaction

How can I check if user tapped cancel button (either when he was asked if he wants to purchase smth …

ios in-app-purchase storekit
Android: in-app product ID

How my in-app product ID should look like? If my application ID looks like com.example.test, then can I …

android in-app-purchase google-play billing