Top "Importerror" questions

Refers to errors that result from attempting to import a module or library into one's code

cx_freeze - including my own modules?

I have a small application built with PyQt4 that I'm trying to freeze with cx_freeze, but I'm running into …

python py2exe importerror cx-freeze
Why am I getting this ImportError?

I have a tkinter app that I am compiling to an .exe via py2exe. In the setup file, I …

python lxml py2exe importerror lxml.html
ImportError: No module named httplib2

I have a Python 2.7 GAE app that already has a lot of functionality. Now I want to integrate with a …

python google-app-engine importerror httplib2
Import errors when running nosetests that I can't reproduce outside of nose

I'm running into a mysterious import error when using nosetests to run a test suite that I can't reproduce outside …

python unit-testing importerror nose
pycuda ImportError in pycuda.driver

I'm trying to compile some sources for working with my GPU. I use pycuda for this. When I compile source …

python importerror pycuda
pyautogui, screenshot function doesn't recognize installed Pillow module

I want to execute this code in Pycharm x, y = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('LVL35.png') But I get this message ImportError: …

python importerror pillow pyautogui
Why did reinstalling Silverlight break my Import configuration?

Based on the answer here: Which, if any, recent Windows updates should I uninstall to revivify Silverlight or rectify other …

silverlight versioning importerror csproj
Why does import error change to "cannot import name" on the second import?

Here's a mysterious python problem: I'm developing a python package that occasionally reports import errors looking like ImportError: cannot import …

python importerror python-import
ImportError: No module named '_catboost'

I am using python 3.4 and have installed catboost library but when i try to import, it shows the following error. …

python machine-learning importerror catboost
Python: Import excel file using relative path

I tried to import an excel file which is not within the same folder than the script. I need to …

python pandas importerror import-from-excel