Top "Catboost" questions

CatBoost is an open-source gradient boosting on decision trees library with categorical features support out of the box for Python, R

for Imbalanced data dealing with cat boost

Is there a parameter like "scale_pos_weight" in catboost package as we used to have in the xgboost package …

python-3.x catboost
How to suppress CatBoost iteration results?

I am trying to use CatBoost to fit a binary model. When I use the following code, I thought verbose=…

python catboost
how to work with the catboost overfitting detector

I am trying to understand the catboost overfitting detector. It is described here:…

ImportError: No module named '_catboost'

I am using python 3.4 and have installed catboost library but when i try to import, it shows the following error. …

python machine-learning importerror catboost
How to install Yandex CatBoost on Anaconda x64?

I'v successfully installed CatBoost via pip install catboost But I'v got errors, when I tried sample python script in Jupiter …

python anaconda yandex catboost