Top "Image-scaling" questions

The use of interpolation to spatially stretch or squeeze an image by manipulating the underlying image data -- directly, or through API or ABI calls.

Crop to fit an svg pattern

I have patterns that each have a single image in them. I need the images to scale to the full …

svg image-scaling
Resize images in directory

I have a directory full of images that I would like to resize to around 60% of their original size. How …

python perl image resize image-scaling
JSP How to scale an image?

Is there anyway to scale an image then display in jsp page? When retrieve and display the images, I want …

java jsp servlets image-scaling
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL

I'm trying to implement image scaling in OpenGL using only glTexCoord2f() and glVertex2f(). Let me explain: after loading …

c++ c qt opengl image-scaling
dynamically scale images in php jpg/png/gif

Is there a simple way of dynamically scaling an image in php? Id like to specifically use some kind of …

php image resize image-scaling
scaling an image, but keep its proportions

I want to scale images, but I don't want the image to look skewed. The image has to be 115x115 (…

c# image-processing image-scaling
Android graphics for XXHDPI

I'm about to adjust all drawables for an Android app for XXHDPI devices (like sony xperia Z and samsung s4). …

android graphics drawable image-scaling
how to scale image according to screen resolution?

friends, i am using following code to resizeImage private Bitmap resizeImage( final Bitmap image) { Bitmap resizedImage = null; if(image != null) { …

android image-scaling
Animatedly reduce button size on press and regain it's size on release

I want a to create a button that changes size (little bit smaller) when it's pressed, and after the button …

android android-animation ontouchlistener image-scaling
Chrome is stretching the height of my max-width image

I'm having trouble with setting the max-width of my images in a CMS I'm using. In Chrome (untested in other …

image-scaling css