Top "Ieaddon" questions

Internet Explorer add-ons add features to the browser, similar to Chrome extensions and Firefox plug-ins.

how to develop internet explorer add-on

Can we create add-on for IE? If yes where can i find required resources/docs?

internet-explorer add-on ieaddon
Is there a way to port a chrome extension to other browsers?

Is there a way to port a chrome extension to other browsers, without having to entirely re-write the code? My …

javascript html firefox-addon google-chrome-extension ieaddon
How to make an IE addon/extension in JavaScript?

I need to create a simple IE addon, and trying to figure out how to do that in JavaScript. So …

javascript internet-explorer ieaddon
Sharepoint Open Document Class add-on for 64bit IE

I am having problems with Sharepoint Open Document Class ad-on when using 64bit IE, documents simply won't open on some …

internet-explorer sharepoint sharepoint-2010 browser-addons ieaddon