Sharepoint Open Document Class add-on for 64bit IE

Nicole picture Nicole · Oct 28, 2015 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I am having problems with Sharepoint Open Document Class ad-on when using 64bit IE, documents simply won't open on some computers. On those computers, I see the add-on on the 64bit IE but it says that is only 32-bit under Architecture field.

On the other hand, I have another computer using perfectly the 64-bit IE, and sees the add-on like this:

enter image description here

I read tons of posts on this subject, like this and this and they all say it´s not possible but despite that, I have one case where it actually works.

Is it possible that the add-on CAN work with 64-bit IE, but ONLY if the local isntallation of the Office is 64-bit edition as well or this things are not related?

Thank you so much!


Nicole picture Nicole · Oct 29, 2015

Thanks to @Thriggle suggestion, I checked which program was providing the dll for the add-on, and it was Office 2016 indeed.

So I am guessing that the problem is the bit-version of the Office installation.

I'll try re-installing the Office on my client's computer to see if the add-on starts working with a 64-bit Internet Explorer.

Thank you very much!