Top "Icefaces-3" questions

ICEfaces is an open-source Rich Internet Application (RIA) development framework based on the JavaServer Faces 2 Standard.

Websphere 8.5: Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not implement Log

I developed an JSF-App with ICEFaces 3.0.1. With Tomcat and Glassfish, the App works fine. Now I wanted to test it …

jsf-2 websphere apache-commons-logging icefaces-3 websphere-8
com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: CONFIGURATION FAILED! Must have a Constructor that takes in a BehaviorConfig

i am trying to use jsf 2.1.14 with icefaces 3.2.0 and when trying to run the application, i am getting the following …

jakarta-ee jsf-2 icefaces-3