Top "Ibatis" questions

iBatis is an object-relational mapping framework for Java.

How do I insert collection of objects using MyBatis 3.x?

I'm a beginner with MyBatis. I just want to know how to insert a collection of objects from an instance …

collections insert orm ibatis mybatis
iBATIS - Defining 'javaType' and 'jdbcType'

While defining the resultMap in iBatis, it provides an option to set the javaType and jdbcType for each property to …

java ibatis
'Source code does not match the bytecode' use IDEA debug JdbcTemplate

when i debug the JdbcTemplate sourcecode use IDEA,the IDE tips me:'Source code does not match the bytecode' Screenshot: …

java spring orm ibatis
mybatis: Using mapper interfaces with XML config for global parameters

I like the XML notation for specifying global parameters such as connection strings. I also like Mapper annotations. When I …

java orm ibatis mybatis
How to set fetchSize for iBatis select statement

I'm using iBatis as ORM framework in Java. I have a select statement <select id="getList" resultMap="correctMap"> …

java performance ibatis resultset
iBatis to MyBatis migration efforts?

I am using iBatis- in my production application. I want to migrate my production application to use MyBatis. What points …

ibatis mybatis
Using tuples in ORACLE IN clause and a condition for one element in the tuple

I have seen many questions here for using tuples in the IN clause. My situation is a little different from …

sql oracle orm ibatis mybatis
Ibatis/MyBatis select dynamically without need to create any Pojo / Mapper

Is there any way to select/update/delete dynamically using Ibatis/MyBatis? When I say "dynamically" it means I don't …

ibatis mybatis
How to Select a BLOB column from database using iBatis

One of a table's column is of BLOB datatype (Oracle 10g). We have a simple select query executed via iBatis …

oracle mapping blob ibatis
For a new project using Spring with JDBCTemplates, iBatis/myBatis or Hibernate?

Hi there we are starting a project in which we have to make the decision between using Spring JDBCTemplates, iBatis/…

hibernate spring persistence ibatis mybatis