Ibatis/MyBatis select dynamically without need to create any Pojo / Mapper

Rudy picture Rudy · Jul 5, 2011 · Viewed 14.9k times · Source

Is there any way to select/update/delete dynamically using Ibatis/MyBatis?

When I say "dynamically" it means I don't want to create any POJO/DataMapper at all.

Any URL example would be welcomed.


AngerClown picture AngerClown · Jul 5, 2011

Yes, just set the resultType attribute to map and the table data will be placed into a HashMap of column names to values. If the query returns more than 1 row, the mapped rows will be put into a List. If you want to select a single column, you can get just that value (as String, int, etc) or as a list.

<select id="test1" resultType="map">select * from user</select>
<select id="test2" resultType="map" parameterType="int">
  select * from user where id=#{value}</select>
<select id="test3" resultType="string">select name from user</select>
// returns a list of maps
List test = sqlSession.selectList("test1");

// returns a single map
Object map = sqlSession.selectOne("test2", 0);

// returns a list of strings
List names = sqlSession.selectList("test3");

This applies to MyBatis 3; I think you can do something similar in iBatis 2.