One of a table's column is of BLOB datatype (Oracle 10g). We have a simple select query executed via iBatis to select the BLOB column and display it using Struts2 & JSP.
The result tag in the iBatis xml file had the jdbctype as java.sql.Blob
<result property="uploadContent" column="uploadcontent" jdbctype="Blob"/>
Should we be mentioning any typeHandler class for Blob column ? Currently we are getting an error stating column type mismatch.
Note: This column is selected and mapped into a java bean who has an attribute of type java.sql.Blob
I think you cannot use native jdbctype
for LOB
types in Oracle with iBatis
. The solution is to create custom typeHandler
to handle LOB
and then map it like -
<result property="aClassStringProperty" column="aClobColumn" typeHandler=""/>
More information on typeHandlerCallback