Top "Hudson-plugins" questions

Hudson plugins provide extensions to Hudson's basic capabilities.

Self-signed certificates, Java, Hudson and JIRA

I'm trying to set up the Hudson JIRA plugin. Our JIRA server is secured with an self-signed SSL certificate. I've …

java ssl-certificate jira hudson-plugins
How to pass ${CHANGES} to downstream job?

I have upstream job that polls SVN for changes. If changes are detected, the build is started. After the build, …

jenkins hudson jenkins-plugins hudson-plugins
How downstream job uses the git commit that is passed by upstream job?

I have two jobs(A and B) that I want to B is triggered by A with the git commit …

hudson jenkins hudson-plugins
Jenkins/Hudson job parameters at runtime?

PROBLEM Let's say I have a jenkins/hudson job (for example free-style) that takes two parameters PARAM_ONE and PARAM_…

hudson jenkins hudson-plugins jenkins-plugins
Jenkins Parallel Trigger and Wait

I have 4 jobs which needs to be executed in the following sequence JOB A |------> JOB B |------> …

jenkins hudson jenkins-plugins hudson-plugins
.cvspass file generation to configure hudson tool

Please help me in generating the .cvspass file to configure hudson tool .

jenkins hudson cvs hudson-plugins
How should I validate Jenkins build parameters on the front-end to enable/disable the build button?

I have complex jobs with a lot of parameters, is there any way to validate those parameters using JavaScript form …

jenkins continuous-integration jenkins-plugins hudson hudson-plugins
How to generate JUnit style XML report using TestNG?

I'm using TestNG framework for our integration testing. I want to generate JUnit style XML report using TestNG. My project …

testing junit hudson hudson-plugins surefire
Build status jenkins

How can i access jenkins build status at runtime without email-ext plugin? i want to access build_status using environment …

hudson jenkins hudson-plugins jenkins-plugins