Top "Hudson-plugins" questions

Hudson plugins provide extensions to Hudson's basic capabilities.

Jenkins/Hudson - accessing the current build number?

I have a report file I'm generating, and I would like to be able to add the current build number …

continuous-integration hudson jenkins hudson-plugins
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: manager for class: Script1

I am trying to invoke Groovy inside Hudson (using groovy plugin) to get some properties for our build. But I …

maven groovy jenkins hudson hudson-plugins
How to set an environment variable programmatically in Jenkins/Hudson?

I have two scripts in the pre-build step in a Jenkins job, the first one a perl script, the second …

hudson jenkins environment-variables hudson-plugins jenkins-plugins
How do I uninstall a plugin from Jenkins (Hudson)?

I have a few plugins in my Jenkins installation which I no longer need. I've already disabled the plugins (and …

hudson hudson-plugins jenkins
Jenkins Dynamic parameters based on previously selected parameter value

Here I am basically looking for a dependency parameter. Let's say I have two dropdowns in the build parameter section. …

jenkins hudson jenkins-plugins hudson-plugins
How to make a Jenkins/Hudson job surveil some others jobs and decide whether to build or not?

PROBLEM Given that all the jobs have string LEVEL_X in it's job name, where X is a number > 1. …

groovy hudson jenkins hudson-plugins jenkins-plugins
Maven Cobertura plugin not generating coverage.xml

I am trying to generate a coverage.xml so that I can reference it in Cobertura plugin of Hudson, but …

maven-plugin maven-3 hudson-plugins cobertura
Jenkins job status - Customize color / status of job

Is there a way to customize the status of a Jenkins job to use different icons or colors other than …

jenkins icons jenkins-plugins status hudson-plugins
Running a parameterized job at a particular time in jenkins

I have a parameterized job which I want to schedule it to run at a particular time. Is there anyway …

jenkins hudson jenkins-plugins hudson-plugins
Hudson -- Step by step guide to set up master and slave machines

As you can see, the link to that on the hudson website is dead. So, I was hoping for a …

continuous-integration hudson hudson-plugins master-slave