Top "Httpurlconnection" questions

HttpURLConnection instance is used to make a single request but the underlying network connection to the HTTP server may be transparently shared by other instances. : No authentication challenges found

I am newbie to android and this is my first project on android. I am struggling with "authentication" problem for …

java android authentication httpurlconnection ioexception
Why do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream?

I'm trying to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream, however, no data is actually sent until I call URLConnection#getInputStream. Even …

java httpurlconnection
Tomcat, HTTP Keep-Alive and Java's HttpsUrlConnection

I have two Tomcat servers that need to maintain a persistent connection to cut down on SSL handshaking. One server (…

java tomcat httpurlconnection keep-alive
Sending UTF-8 string using HttpURLConnection

till now I've used the following code snippet in order to send and recieve JSON strings: static private String sendJson(…

java android json httpurlconnection
HttpURLConnection GET request getting 400 Bad Request

I am trying to do a GET request with some parameters in Java using HttpURLConnection. Everytime I do this however, …

java get httpurlconnection http-status-code-400
DataOutputSteam is throwing me a ' unexpected end of stream'?

I'm trying to make a Request to a WebService from an android application, using HttpUrlConnection. But sometimes it works, and …

java android httpurlconnection dataoutputstream
Reading HttpURLConnection InputStream - manual buffer or BufferedInputStream?

When reading the InputStream of an HttpURLConnection, is there any reason to use one of the following over the other? …

buffer inputstream httpurlconnection bufferedinputstream
HttpURLConnection is throwing exception

Here is my code to connect HTTP. URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); …

android httpurlconnection
"Illegal State Exception: Already Connected" when using HttpURLConnection

I get an illegal state exception when i set DoOutput to true. public boolean sendLinksToMaster(String ipport, List<String&…

java httpurlconnection
HttpURLConnection implementation

I have read that HttpURLConnection supports persistent connections, so that a connection can be reused for multiple requests. I tried …

network-programming java jdk1.6 httpurlconnection