HttpURLConnection instance is used to make a single request but the underlying network connection to the HTTP server may be transparently shared by other instances.
I have created web service call using java below code. Now I need to make delete and put operations to …
java web-services http-post httpurlconnection http-deleteThis question seems clear what is happening: I already have a connection open, the problem is I don't know why. …
java httpurlconnection illegalstateexceptionWe are using HttpURLConnection API to invoke a REST API to the same provider often (kind of an aggregation usecase). …
java http servlets tcpclient httpurlconnectionWhat are the differences if I try to connect to an "https" using HttpURLConnection and HttpsURLConnection? I was able to …
android httpurlconnectionI'm using the following code to send a GET request and then receive response: try { URL url = new URL(strurl); …
java httpurlconnection http-status-code-415Here's the question in simplest way. I create a HTTPS connection to my server through proxy using HttpUrlConnection Object. My …
android httpurlconnection eofexceptionI have trying to send response to server using authentication value which, it provides me at login time. The server …
android get httpurlconnection http-token-authenticationLet me start with what I desire: I want to make an app which is part native and part webviews. …
java php android session httpurlconnectionI have the following code block: try { URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection urlc = (HttpURLConnection) url.…
android timeout httpurlconnectionI have read some relative questions, but unfortunately they do not answer my one, since I have specific requirements. Maybe …
java json httpurlconnection http-get