Top "Dataoutputstream" questions

A mechanism for writing abstract data to a stream

how to use ByteArrayOutputStream and DataOutputStream simultaneously (Java)

I'm having quite a problem here, and I think it is because I don't understand very much how I should …

java wrapper bytearrayoutputstream dataoutputstream
Reading a .dat file into an array in Java

The code that I'm writing has two classes: writeInts and readInts. I wrote writeInts to randomly generate 100 numbers between 0 and 1000 …

java arrays datainputstream dataoutputstream
DataOutputSteam is throwing me a ' unexpected end of stream'?

I'm trying to make a Request to a WebService from an android application, using HttpUrlConnection. But sometimes it works, and …

java android httpurlconnection dataoutputstream
Appending Byte[] to end of a binary file

I'm parsing a file. I'm creating a new output file and will have to add the 'byte[] data' to it. …

java append dataoutputstream
Writing large strings with DataOutputStream

I've been doing some socket programming to transmit information across the wire. I've run into a problem with DataOutputStream.writeUTF(). …

java dataoutputstream
Why does DataOutputStream.writeUTF() add additional 2 bytes at the beginning?

When I was trying to parse xml using sax over sockets I came across a strange occurence. Upon analysing I …

java dataoutputstream
Android: Streaming audio over TCP Sockets

For my app, I need to record audio from MIC on an Android phone, and send it over TCP to …

java android sockets dataoutputstream
Command-line to reverse byte order/change endianess

I'm hacking around in some scripts trying to parse some data written by Javas DataOutputStream#writeLong(...). Since java always seems …

java swap endianness dataoutputstream
Java sockets: DataOutputStream or OutputStream?

I'm still relatively new to sockets, and I haven't seen any information regarding this subject. To write to a connected …

java sockets networking dataoutputstream
DataOutputStream: purpose of the "encoded string too long" restriction

There is a strange restriction in str) method, which limits the size of an UTF-8 …

java restriction dataoutputstream