An Java interface used by the servlet container to create a session between an HTTP client and an HTTP server.
I'm learning Spring. Doing the login/logout functionality. This is what my controller looks like: @RequestMapping(value="/successfulLoginAuth", method=RequestMethod.…
java spring spring-mvc spring-security httpsessionI want to get session from a common class. Using @Autowired didn't work. public class TMessageHandlerFactory implements MessageHandlerFactory { @Autowired private …
spring spring-boot spring-mvc session httpsessionI read spring docs on this subject several times, but some things are still unclear to me. Documentation states: If …
spring scope dao javabeans httpsessionThe Problem: When you use session in an ASP.NET site, it causes dramatic delays (multiples of 500ms) when loading … session webforms httpsessionI am trying to implement a simple servlet which uses a HTTP session in an embedded jetty (7.3.0 v20110203) container. To …
servlets jetty embedded-jetty httpsessionHttpSession is a high level interface built on top of cookies and url-rewriting, which means that there is only a …
session servlets store httpsession in-memory-databaseI'm not sure if what I'm doing is wrong, or if I just missed an annotation or configuration item somewhere. …
java jsf serialization dependency-injection httpsessionI would like to make the connection between a websocket handshake \ session to a HttpSession object. I've used the following …
session tomcat websocket httpsession