Top "Httpsession" questions

An Java interface used by the servlet container to create a session between an HTTP client and an HTTP server.

What is the scope of an HTTP session?

What exactly is the scope of an HTTP session? I've been googling this but can't seem to get a straight …

http httpsession
Java HttpSession .getAttribute(String name)

I have a simple, short question but not found the answer anywhere. I created an HttpSession and want to get …

java jakarta-ee httpsession getattribute
How to get the IP address when a session is created?

In my grails application, I have implemented the interface HttpSessionListener to listen for session creation as given below: class MyHttpSessionListener …

java grails servlets httpsession
How to stop Spring Security from creating a new session?

Scenario I restart the server and browser so there's no session data. I go to public access …

spring security httpsession
Accessing HttpSessionState (HttpContext.Current.Session) from another thread or tricks?

We have a web site which implements a central HttpSessionState management in App_Code like this: public static class CurrentSession { …

c# multithreading session httpsession
Can OWIN middleware use the http session?

I had a little bit of code that I was duplicating for ASP.NET and SignalR and I decided to …

c# session owin httpsession
When exactly is the HttpSession expired (starts being eligible for destroying - not necessarily destroyed yet)?

I would like to know when exactly an HttpSession would be expired (not the same as destroyed)? I am trying …

java spring httpsession
java httpsession is valid?

I'm using the java servlet API in tomcat. I save in a hash table the username and the httpsession with …

java servlets httpsession
Measuring the Size of HttpSession object

Is there a clean and easy way to measure it other than programatically measuring the size of each data type (…

java tomcat httpsession