Top "Getattribute" questions

How to get attribute of element from Selenium?

I'm working with Selenium in Python. I would like to get the .val() of a <select> element and …

python selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver getattribute
Difference between __getattr__ vs __getattribute__

I am trying to understand when to use __getattr__ or __getattribute__. The documentation mentions __getattribute__ applies to new-style classes. What …

python getattr getattribute
Understanding the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__

I am trying to understand the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__, however, I am failing at it. The answer to …

python oop encapsulation getattr getattribute
How to get the value of an attribute in Javascript

I have this input line which I am trying to extract the text of the value attribute: <input type="…

javascript getattribute
Finding if element is visible (JavaScript )

I have a javascript function that tries to determine whether a div is visible and does various processes with that …

javascript jquery dom visible getattribute
Selenium getText

I want to getText() using or By.cssSelector. I managed to solve my problem by doing getAttribute("value"), …

java selenium selenium-webdriver gettext getattribute
Java HttpSession .getAttribute(String name)

I have a simple, short question but not found the answer anywhere. I created an HttpSession and want to get …

java jakarta-ee httpsession getattribute
php DOM getAttribute

Alright, so I have an odd case here that I just can't figure out. I want to parse a list …

php dom html-parsing domdocument getattribute
Passing Attributes from JSP to Servlet to JSP

So, I have a JSP form that just takes in a query string, passes it to a servlet, which then …

jsp servlets attributes setattribute getattribute
custom attribute works only with element.getAttribute("attribute") but not "element.attribute"

I have just noticed, that if I give a custom attribute to an html element, for example: <input type="…

javascript getattribute custom-attribute