Top "Http-status-code-404" questions

The HTTP status code 404 or "Not Found" indicates the server could not find the requested file or resource.

web.xml 404 redirect to servlet, how to get the original URI?

I'm redirecting 404 errors to a servlet via the following in my web.xml. <error-page> <error-code>404</…

servlets http-status-code-404 web.xml
How do I throw a real 404 or 301 with an Angular pushstate URL

I'm using $routeProvider and $locationProvider to handle pushstate URLS in a single page app (SPA), something like this: angular.module(…

angularjs seo http-status-code-404 pushstate angular-routing
Azure website returns 404 error after adding custom domain

I'm using the Azure Websites hosting in shared mode. After going through the process of adding a custom domain I …

azure http-status-code-404
HTTP GET 200 vs 204

We are designing a public API, and trying to figure out what is the best practice for GET with following …

rest http http-status-code-404 http-status-code-200 http-status-code-204
Custom 404 page with Silex not rendered in prod configuration

I am struggling a little bit while trying to display a custom 404 error page using the Silex micro-framework. My project …

http-status-code-404 silex
How to properly setup custom handler404 in django?

According to the documentation this should be fairly simple: I just need to define handler404. Currently I am doing, in …

django http-status-code-404
Update RowKey or PartitionKey in Azure Table Storage

Can i update RowKey or PartitionKey properties of entity in Azure Table Storage? I thought yes or maybe just PartitionKey …

c# azure http-status-code-404 azure-table-storage
Getting 404 for stylesheets and js on sample express-jade project

I have created a simple static page in nodejs using the default express library. However, when I run it, nodejs …

node.js express http-status-code-404 static-files
Deploy mvc beta to iis 6 causing 404's

I'm struggling to get around the 404 errors from mvc beta when deploying on IIS 6. I had this working … iis-6 http-status-code-404
Web API interface works locally but gets 404 after deployed to Azure Website

I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC 4 website. Together with MVC controllers, I have one API controller which contains an …

.net http-status-code-404 azure-cloud-services