Top "Http-status-code-200" questions

The request has succeeded.

Returning http 200 OK with error within response body

I'm wondering if it is correct to return HTTP 200 OK when an error occurred on the server side (the error …

http http-status-code-400 http-status-code-200
Why XmlHttpRequest readyState = 2 on 200 HTTP response code

So I'm using plain javascript (no jquery), to send a file to the server. Server script PHP returns status code 200 …

javascript php ajax xmlhttprequest http-status-code-200
Jquery ajaxrequest xhr.status code 0 but html status code 200

This is not a cross site request problem as most googled answers to my questions consists of. I'm getting xhr.…

javascript jquery ajax http-status-code-200
HTTP GET 200 vs 204

We are designing a public API, and trying to figure out what is the best practice for GET with following …

rest http http-status-code-404 http-status-code-200 http-status-code-204
How to send a status 200 answering to a HTTPS POST in python

I am using Flask to create an application that receives some data from a server with an HTTPS POST and …

python https http-status-code-200