The HTTP status code 404 or "Not Found" indicates the server could not find the requested file or resource.
When I click a pagination link in my custom post type "works" listing of posts (or enter a URL like "…
php wordpress pagination http-status-code-404 custom-post-typeI have a 404.jade file that I want to render whenever there is an invalid GET request. Here is my …
javascript node.js http-status-code-404 koa koa-routerI'm building a website with WordPress using it more like a CMS then a blogging platform. I made plenty use …
wordpress url-rewriting http-status-code-404 translation custom-post-typeOn running ngrok and going to the suggested url, i get GET /favicon.icon 404 error in ngrok. In which folder …
http-status-code-404 favicon ngrokI'm using Laravel4 framework and I came across this problem. I want to display a custom 404 error depending on requested …
laravel laravel-4 http-status-code-404 laravel-routingI am developing a Django site and after a series of edits I ran my server again when suddenly - …
python css django http-status-code-404 urlconfMy problem is that on certain pages on my website such as …
php http-status-code-404 google-webmaster-toolsI am trying to implement a Delete method on a Web API controller. However, I always get a 404 - Not … http-status-code-404 http-method http-deleteWe have service that's working with small to large sets of data (document generation), and it's working fine for some …
c# wcf .net-4.0 http-status-code-404 mtomI have the following code in the in mysite project. /mysite/ from django.conf.urls.defaults …
python django url-routing http-status-code-404 django-urls