Top "Htmlunit" questions

HtmlUnit is a "headless browser". Which means that there is no browser GUI and it does no rendering.

Download file using HtmlUnit

I am trying to download xls file for a website. When I click the link to download the file, I …

download htmlunit
Java - Sending a post request with HtmlUnit

Can't really find any help on this but I've been trying to send a post request with HtmlUnit. The code …

java htmlunit
How to load ajax with HtmlUnit?

import; import; import java.util.List; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.FailingHttpStatusCodeException; import com.gargoylesoftware.…

java ajax youtube htmlunit
How to get element by Xpath in HtmlUnit

I am trying to search Amazon. I want to choose category, for ex. Books, type some search criteria, for ex. …

java xpath htmlunit
HtmlUnitDriver (HtmlUnit) vs GhostDriver (PhantomJS)?

We are in the middle of choosing our headless browser driver solution that will be some implementation of Selenium WebDriver. …

selenium-webdriver phantomjs htmlunit ghostdriver htmlunit-driver
Accessing html generated by Javascript with htmlunit -Java

I am trying to be able to test a website that uses javascript to render most of the HTML. With …

java javascript html-parsing htmlunit
Is it possible to ignore JavaScript exceptions when working with WebDriver (HtmlUnit, Ruby bindings)

HtmlUnit throws exception and crash my test when I'm loading the page caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.htmlunit(:javascript_enabled =&…

javascript ruby selenium webdriver htmlunit
Alternative to HtmlUnit

I have been researching about the headless browsers available till to date and found HtmlUnit being used pretty extensively. Do …

screen-scraping web-crawler htmlunit headless-browser
how to get text between a specific span with HtmlUnit

I'm new to HtmlUnit and I'm not even sure if it is the right tool for my project. I'm trying …

html-parsing html htmlunit
Can't turn off HtmlUnit logging messages

I'm using HtmlUnit to interact with a web page that interacts with the server via Ajax. Soon after the Ajax …

logging htmlunit