Download file using HtmlUnit

user367942 picture user367942 · Oct 21, 2012 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I am trying to download xls file for a website. When I click the link to download the file, I get a javascript confirm box. I handle it like below

    ConfirmHandler okHandler = new ConfirmHandler(){
            public boolean handleConfirm(Page page, String message) {
                return true;

There is a link to download file.

<a href="./my_file.php?mode=xls&amp;w=d2hlcmUgc2VsbElkPSd3b3JsZGNvbScgYW5kIHN0YXR1cz0nV0FJVERFTEknIGFuZCBkYXRlIDw9IC0xMzQ4MTUzMjAwICBhbmQgZGF0ZSA%2BPSAtMTM1MDgzMTU5OSA%3D" target="actionFrame" onclick="return confirm('Do you want do download XLS file?')"><u>Download</u></a>

I click the link using

HTMLPage x = webClient.getPage("");
HtmlAnchor anchor = (HtmlAnchor) x.getFirstByXPath("//a[@target='actionFrame']");;

handeConfirm() method is excuted. But I have no idea how to save the file stream from server. I tried to see the stream with code below.;

But, the result is same as the page x. Anyone knows how to capture the stream from server? Thank you.


user367942 picture user367942 · Oct 23, 2012

I found a way to get InputStream using WebWindowListener. Inside of webWindowContentChanged(WebWindowEvent event), I put code below.

InputStream xls = event.getWebWindow().getEnclosedPage().getWebResponse().getContentAsStream();

After I get xls, I could save the file into my hard disk.