Top "Hover" questions

Hover refers to the action of placing the mouse cursor over a given element.

Make css :hover only affect parent element

In css, how can I stop the :hover event being triggered in a parent element when a child event is …

css hover pseudo-class
Trigger click on select box on hover

I'm trying to have a select box automatically pop open when the use hovers over it, as if they had …

jquery click hover mouseover drop-down-menu
Can you make hovered state in Firebug "sticky?"

When I'm debugging a site, sometimes the hovered selectors are a little long winded and similar to other ones, is …

html css firefox firebug hover
How do you make the area of hover in css larger

I have a list in html that I am formatting as a drop down menu in CSS, however, when I …

css menu hover size area
delay() or timeout with stop()?

$('.file a').live('mouseenter', function() { $('#download').stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast'); }).live('mouseleave', function() { $('#download').stop(true, …

javascript jquery hover delay
Unselect what was selected in an input with .select()

After I use .select() to select the text in the input box when hovered over I did the following: HTML: &…

jquery select hover unselect
jQuery: Show and hide child div when hovering

I've got a set of items. Each item has two images and some text. For the images I've created a …

jquery hover mouseover mouseout
Best way to change div width on hover

How did the creator of this portfolio website make that cool image effect? Im currently training …

html css animation hover effect
SVG USE element and :hover style

I'm trying to use CSS :hover pseudoclass to style SVG elements embeded from <defs> by <use> …

css svg hover styling
css hover nested classes propagates

I know this is a classical one but I find no answer on the net: I have this html code: &…

css hover nested propagation