Top "Hover" questions

Hover refers to the action of placing the mouse cursor over a given element.

Qt PushButton Hover/Pressed icons

I'm beginning in Qt, and I want to set a QPushButton to a different icon whenever somebody hovers the mouse …

qt hover icons stylesheet qpushbutton
Trigger :hover selector when dragging

I'm having kind of an issue about a drag & drop system I'm currently developing. I have a :hover style …

jquery css drag-and-drop hover draggable
jQuery hide text, display on hover?

Hopefully just a quick question :) I'm trying to write little jQuery that will help do this: text displayed on page: …

jquery hover displayobject
replace one div with another on hover

I want to replace one div with another when hovering over it. Specifically there will be an average in words, …

jquery html hover dom-manipulation
React event onMouseLeave not triggered when moving cursor fast

Im trying to implement hover event but onMouseLeave is not always triggering when leaving element especially when moving cursor over …

javascript events hover reactjs eventtrigger
How to add a tooltip on inputbox dynamicaly in angular 2

I have an input box and I want to show a Tooltip message on hover on input box, which will …

angular hover tooltip inputbox
Bokeh Plotting: Enable tooltips for only some glyphs

I have a figure with some glyphs, but only want tooltips to display for certain glyphs. Is there currently a …

python plot hover tooltip bokeh
D3 highlight selected node, and its links to parent and ancestors in a force directed graph

I would like to highlight the links and nodes to the parent node in a graph when the child node …

d3.js hover parent highlight force-layout
How to Rotate :before pseudo element when parent is hovered

I have added font icons to a list like this: a:before { font-family: FontAwesome; content: "\f015"; .. etc.. } When the parent …

css hover font-awesome pseudo-class
IE8: Div hover only works when background color is set, very strange, why?

Situation: Got a div with buttons images. Div needs to fadeIn on hover. Works in all browsers, except Internet Explorer. …

jquery css html hover transparent