Top "Hierarchicaldatatemplate" questions

A `HierarchicalDataTemplate` is a subclass of `DataTemplate` that allows you to bind directly to a hierarchy of objects

Grouping child objects in WPF TreeView

I am trying to get my tree view to group a collection of similar items by what they are. To …

c# wpf xaml treeview hierarchicaldatatemplate
Binding SelectedItem in a HierarchicalDataTemplate-applied WPF TreeView

I have a data-bound TreeView and I want to bind SelectedItem. This attached behavior works perfectly without HierarchicalDataTemplate but with …

wpf data-binding treeview treeviewitem hierarchicaldatatemplate
Command Binding in hierarchical datatemplate

I have Menu in my app. I'm visualizing it using hierarchical data template: <MenuItem Header="Main menu" ItemsSource="{Binding …

.net binding command hierarchicaldatatemplate
WPF TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate get TreeViewItem

I am using a HierarchicalDataTemplate to bind my classes to a TreeView with checkboxes. I have the code working fine …

c# wpf treeview hierarchicaldatatemplate
Implement WPF treeview with different Parent Nodes a well as different child nodes?

I want to implememt a tree view with has the following structure..... [RootNode] <---- Root of tree --[ParentNode …

wpf treeview lazy-loading hierarchicaldatatemplate
Recursive HierarchicalDataTemplate (WPF)

I'm not sure how to approach this: I want a TreeView that will display some simple data from a hierarchical …

wpf hierarchicaldatatemplate
WPF TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate - binding to object with different child collections

I am trying to bind a collection to wpf TreeView control using data templates. Each item(Person) in the collection …

wpf treeview hierarchicaldatatemplate
WPF Binding to a method with parameter inside HierarchicalDataTemplate

Is there any way to bind a value to a textblock that is obtained from a method. For example, I …

wpf binding datatemplate hierarchicaldatatemplate objectdataprovider