Hibernate uses mapping metadata to find out how to load and store objects of the persistent class.
I'm trying to use QueryDSL with JPA and Gradle. Also I'm using Spring Boot. I'm keep getting an exception. I've …
java hibernate jpa hibernate-mapping spring-ormI am using Hibernate to save entities where all entities are inherited from a base abstract entity. For all concrete …
mysql spring hibernate hibernate-mapping class-table-inheritanceMy situation is described here: eclipse Duplicate generator named "ID_GENERATOR" defined in this persistence unit However my question is …
java hibernate jpa orm hibernate-mappingI found too many answers in this site, but i am unable to resolve the error. Please help me to …
hibernate hibernate-mapping hibernate-onetomanyI am developing a travel management application. The design in question is something like following : Each person in a tour …
database-design hibernate-mapping circular-dependency erd class-table-inheritanceI use Spring Data and decided that I want to create new custom data type that can be used in …
java spring hibernate spring-data hibernate-mappingSo, there is that behavior with innodb that can cause problem if some tables lack of primary key. So with …
java hibernate jpa orm hibernate-mappingIn a Many to Many relation between two table with a Mapping table in between, how can I only load …
hibernate hibernate-mapping hibernate-annotationsI have table with a column as NVARCHAR2, and I have build my object with hibernate annotations, When i want …
hibernate oracle11g hibernate-mapping nvarcharI have a class AbstractEntity that is extended by all the entities in my application and basically acts as an …
java hibernate jpa hibernate-mapping mappedsuperclass