Top "Height" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the Y-axis.

Parent div not expanding to children's height

As you will see, I have a div (#innerPageWrapper) that wraps around the divs that contain the content. #innerPageWrapper also …

css html height expand
Height 100% on flexbox column child

I'm having troubles with a flexbox column in that children of the flex'd element don't respond to height in percentages. …

css google-chrome height percentage flexbox
How to change height div on window resize?

I have a div on my website that should be the height of the window. This is what i got: $(…

jquery window height
UITableViewCell with UITextView height in iOS 7?

How can I calculate the height of an UITableViewCell with an UITextView in it in iOS 7? I found a lot …

cocoa-touch uitableview height ios7
Change UITabBar height

I use UITabBarController as a root view and app supports iOS 6 and above. Project class hierarchy is as below. UITabBarController …

ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller height uitabbar
CollectionView Dynamic cell height swift

Im trying to create a collection view with cells displaying string with variable length. Im using this function to set …

layout swift height uicollectionview
How to determine height of UICollectionView with FlowLayout

I've got an UICollectionView with an UICollectionViewFlowLayout, and i want to calculate its content size (for return in intrinsicContentSize needed …

ios height uicollectionview autolayout
How do I size a UITextView to its content on iOS 7?

I've been using the accepted answer here for years. On iOS 7, the contentSize.height becomes the frame.height-8, regardless of …

dynamic height uitextview ios7
Canvas is stretched when using CSS but normal with "width" / "height" properties

I have 2 canvases, one uses HTML attributes width and height to size it, the other uses CSS: <canvas id="…

css html canvas height width
How to set Custom height for Widget in GridView in Flutter?

Even after specifying the height for Container GridView, my code is producing square widgets. class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget { MyHomePage({Key …

gridview dart height flutter