Top "Height" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the Y-axis.

Android layout_width & layout_height, how it works?

I am trying to create an interface, where two or more buttons will be displayed to the user, if a …

android android-layout height width slidedown
jQuery dynamically change element height

I'm working on a fluid layout project. I have some fixed height DIVs in my document, and the heights are …

jquery height window-resize
Bxslider Setting Height

So I just started using bxslider. I however I'm having issues setting the size of the slider. Naturally it takes …

css height bxslider
Page height to 100% of viewport?

I'll start by saying that I am very very new to web development as a whole and that this is …

html css height
Bootstrap Full Height Background Cover Image

I am currently designing a site using Bootstrap and am trying to include a full height background cover image like …

image twitter-bootstrap height cover
Swift dynamic table cell height

I have tableview with prototype cell, in the cell I have imageview and some text under. The text label is …

ios uitableview height ios-autolayout
How to fix vh(viewport unit) css in mobile Safari?

I've used vh (viewport units) css in one of my projects but in mobile safari it doesn't work. It seems …

css height mobile-safari lightbox viewport-units
jQuery web page height

Let's say that a web page is twice the height of the browser window (thus there's a scroll bar). How …

jquery height webpage
GridView row height

I have a GridView that displays images, which are, unfortunately, of different sizes. They are shown in between two lines …

android gridview height android-widget row-height
Twitter Bootstrap 3 - Panels of Equal Height in a Fluid Row

I am new to Bootstrap 3 and I would like to have 3 panels on my landing page of equal height, even …

css twitter-bootstrap height panel