Top "Hclust" questions

R function from {stats} package - hierarchical cluster analysis on a set of dissimilarities and methods for analyzing it.

Clustering list for hclust function

Using plot(hclust(dist(x))) method, I was able to draw a cluster tree map. It works. Yet I would …

r hclust
horizontal dendrogram in R with labels

I am trying to draw a dendrogram from the hclust function output. I hope the dendrogram is horizontally arranged instead …

r dendrogram hclust
How to use 'hclust' as function call in R

I tried to construct the clustering method as function the following ways: mydata <- mtcars # Here I construct hclust …

r cluster-analysis function-calls hclust
setting distance matrix and clustering methods in heatmap.2

heatmap.2 defaults to dist for calculating the distance matrix and hclust for clustering. Does anyone now how I can set …

r distribution heatmap hclust
Change label size of Cluster Dendrogram in R 3.01

Has anybody found a workaround to the apparent bug in R 3 which prohibits changing the label size on a Cluster …

r size label hclust
Removing x-axis label from dendrogram in r

I use xlab="" to suppress the x-label but still get a 'sub-x-label' in my dendrogram. How can I remove this …

r plot hclust
hclust() with to plot the cutree() cluster in single hclust()

I clustered my hclust() tree into several groups with cutree(). Now I want a function to hclust() the several groupmembers …

r hclust dendextend
Tree cut and Rectangles around clusters for a horizontal dendrogram in R

I am trying to plot the results of a hierarchical clustering in R as a dendrogram, with rectangles identifying clusters. …

r dendrogram hclust ggdendro dendextend