Top "Dendrogram" questions

A dendrogram (or tree diagram) is a graph used to represent relationships in hierarchical clustering.

how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib

I'm using dendrogram from scipy to plot hierarchical clustering using matplotlib as follows: mat = array([[1, 0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 1, -0.5], [0.9, -0.5, 1]]) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.…

python numpy matplotlib scipy dendrogram
horizontal dendrogram in R with labels

I am trying to draw a dendrogram from the hclust function output. I hope the dendrogram is horizontally arranged instead …

r dendrogram hclust
Label and color leaf dendrogram

I am trying to create a dendrogram, were my samples have 5 group codes (act as sample name/species/etc but …

r dendrogram dendextend
scipy linkage format

I have written my own clustering routine and would like to produce a dendrogram. The easiest way to do this …

python scipy dendrogram
Plot dendrogram using sklearn.AgglomerativeClustering

I'm trying to build a dendrogram using the children_ attribute provided by AgglomerativeClustering, but so far I'm out of luck. …

python plot cluster-analysis dendrogram
How to plot dendrograms with large datasets?

I am using ape (Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution) package in R that has dendrogram drawing functionality. I use following …

r plot zoom dendrogram
sklearn agglomerative clustering linkage matrix

I'm trying to draw a complete-link scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram, and I found that scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage is slower …

python scikit-learn cluster-analysis dendrogram
Display cluster labels for a scipy dendrogram

I'm using hierarchical clustering to cluster word vectors, and I want the user to be able to display a dendrogram …

python matplotlib scipy dendrogram
How to create a dendrogram with colored branches?

I would like to create a dendrogram in R which has colored branches, like the one shown below. So far …

r classification dendrogram dendextend
Extracting clusters from seaborn clustermap

I am using the seaborn clustermap to create clusters and visually it works great (this example produces very similar results). …

python cluster-analysis hierarchical-clustering seaborn dendrogram