Top "Haskell-stack" questions

stack is a modern, cross-platform build tool for Haskell code.

How to install a package using stack?

Using cabal, I could install hakyll with the command: cabal install hakyll How can I do the same thing using …

haskell cabal cabal-install package-management haskell-stack
What is the difference between Cabal and Stack?

Yesterday I learnt about a new Haskell tool called Stack. At the first blush, it looks like it does much …

haskell cabal haskell-stack
Profiling builds with Stack

How do I tell stack to build my executable and all its dependencies with -prof? Simply adding it to ghc-options …

haskell cabal haskell-stack
Could not find module `Data.Map' -- It is a member of the hidden package

First, I created a new workspace: stack new xxxx stack init stack build then cd xxx\app stack ghci import …

haskell import module haskell-stack
How to uninstall a Haskell package installed with stack?

How can I uninstall a Haskell package installed globally with stack tool? stack --help shows that uninstall command is deprecated. …

haskell haskell-stack
How to install Haskell (Platform or Stack) in 2018 on Linux?

I am trying to learn Haskell from the book Learn You a Haskell by Miran Lipovača. Both the book …

linux haskell cabal haskell-stack haskell-platform
How do I set up IntelliJ to build Haskell projects with Stack?

I am using Stack to setup, build, and run my Haskell projects from the command line. I want to use …

haskell intellij-idea haskell-stack