Top "Hardware-acceleration" questions

the use of computer hardware to perform some function faster than is possible in software running on the general-purpose CPU

WebGL VS Canvas 2D hardware acceleration

These days, I need to draw many images on a canvas. The canvas size is 800x600px, and I have …

javascript google-chrome canvas webgl hardware-acceleration
Which OpenGL functions are not GPU-accelerated?

I was shocked when I read this (from the OpenGL wiki): glTranslate, glRotate, glScale Are these hardware accelerated? No, there …

opengl gpu hardware-acceleration opengl-3
What graphic cards do Android emulator GPU emulation support?

I have HD7690M XT (an overclocked version of 6770M) and Android emulator (sdk tool rev.20) for ICS failed to …

android-emulator hardware-acceleration
Android Canvas and Hardware Acceleration?

Hi all I was wondering if it was possible to draw to an offscreen Canvas / Bitmap and take advantage of …

android ondraw hardware-acceleration
After updating of HAXM, emulator with Android API 28 doesn't start up

I have the next issue. After updated HAXM up to 7.2.0 android emulator in android studio with version API 28 dont start …

android emulation intel hardware-acceleration haxm
Android Force GPU Rendering How to enable and disable?

I am building an app that requires a lot of drawing on the canvas. I notice that the app is …

android canvas gpu hardware-acceleration
Android Studio/Emulator on macOS with ARM CPU M1

I started Android Studio 4.1 in macOS Big Sure 11.0.1 with new ARM cpu M1 After installing Rosetta: Yes, it builds ! But …

android macos android-emulator hardware-acceleration macos-big-sur
Punch a hole in a rectangle overlay with HW acceleration enabled on View

I have a view which does some basic drawing. After this I want to draw a rectangle with a hole …

android graphics drawing hardware-acceleration porter-duff
Verify that VP8 HW encoding/decoding is really working on Linux

I have the "Beebox" from "ASRock". The processor of this machine is an Intel Celeron N3150 which supports hardware encoding …

linux google-chrome video hardware-acceleration vp8