Top "Guzzle6" questions

Guzzlehttp - How get the body of a response from Guzzle 6?

I'm trying to write a wrapper around an api my company is developing. It's restful, and using Postman I can …

php response guzzle guzzle6
Guzzle HTTP - add Authorization header directly into request

Can anyone explain how to add the Authorization Header within Guzzle? I can see the code below works for adding …

php rest http guzzle guzzle6
Upload file using Guzzle 6 to API endpoint

I am able to upload a file to an API endpoint using Postman. I am trying to translate that into …

php api laravel guzzle guzzle6
PHP Guzzle with basic auth and bearer token

I'm trying to make a connection with infojobs-api, the documentation explian how to make it in this way: GET /api/1/…

php guzzle6
Guzzle 6, get request string

Is there a way I can print out the full request as a string before or after it is sent? $…

php http guzzle guzzle6
Proper way to send (POST) xml with guzzle 6

I want to perform a post with guzzle sending an xml file. I did not find an example. What I …

php xml guzzle guzzle6
How do you log all API calls using Guzzle 6

I'm trying to use guzzle 6 which works fine but I'm lost when it comes to how to log all the …

php guzzle guzzle6
Guzzle async requests not really async?

Problem We are trying to do concurrent asynchronous requests using guzzle. After going through a few resources, like this and …

php guzzle6
PHP: Guzzle 6 - cURL error 7 Connection Refused

I've searched and searched, and read the documentation at and confirmed the …

php curl nginx guzzle6
Guzzle 6 download file

Need help using Guzzle 6 for downloading a file from a rest API. I don't want the file to be saved …

php guzzle guzzle6