Top "Guzzle6" questions

Multiple files uploaded via Guzzle multipart/form-data request are not recognized by Symfony

Environment: Guzzle 6 Symfony 2.3 Uploading multiple files via a Guzzle POST request should be done with a multipart request. So I …

php symfony guzzle6
Passing cookies from browser to Guzzle 6 client

I have a PHP webapp that makes requests to another PHP API. I use Guzzle to make the http requests, …

php laravel cookies guzzle guzzle6
Guzzle form_params not accepting array

I am using Guzzle 6 and I can't pass array with form_params in the body of the client $postFields = [ form_…

php guzzle guzzle6
guzzle 6.0 call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response::xml()

I want to check the xml based responses from server, here is an example of the response format. <response&…

laravel-5 guzzle6
Guzzle6 error Invalid resource type: array when send a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request

I am trying to send a code by using GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request,somehow I get error Invalid resource type: array, …

php guzzle guzzle6