Top "Gulp-watch" questions

A gulp plugin that listens for file changes and emits changed files into the stream.

Everytime I run gulp anything, I get a assertion error. - Task function must be specified

I'm trying to run the command below but unfortunately I run into errors. $ gulp build In my terminal and I …

gulp gulp-watch
How to Gulp-Watch Multiple files?

I have something like this: gulp.task('default', ['css', 'browser-sync'] , function() {['sass/**/*.scss', 'layouts/*.css'], function() {…

css gulp gulp-watch
Gulp - copy and rename a file

I'm extremely new to Gulp. I'm basically trying to watch for a modified JavaScript file, and then make a new …

javascript gulp gulp-watch
How do I install gulp 4

I've been using gulp-watch. The current version of gulp-watch relies on the call gulp.parrallel. This call is only available …

npm gulp gulp-watch
How to run a task ONLY on modified file with Gulp watch

I have the current gulp task which I use in a gulpfile. Path are from a config.json and everything …

gulp gulp-watch
CSS minify and rename with gulp

I've a variable like var files = { 'foo.css': 'foo.min.css', 'bar.css': 'bar.min.css', }; What I want the …

css gulp gulp-watch
Can I install just Gulp globally?

I'm constantly working on new web development projects that don't ever, in practice, need their node_modules folder when deploying. …

gulp gulp-watch gulp-sass
Set a Gulp task to be the default

I have the following task in my gulpFile, created by someone else on my team: gulp.task('serve', [], function(){ gulp.…

node.js gulp gulp-watch
Running existing task with gulp-watch

I've got some tasks already defined in gulpfile.js and I want to use gulp-watch plugin (to run tasks on …

javascript gulp gulp-watch
How to pipe to another task in Gulp?

I try to DRY my gulpfile. There I have small duplication of code I not comfortable with. How can this …

gulp gulp-watch