Top "Gulp-sourcemaps" questions

gulp-sourcemaps is a gulp plugin that adds support for source maps.

gulp: uglify and sourcemaps

I am using gulp. I would like to having one or multiple JS files (say jQuery) to combine them in …

javascript mapping gulp gulp-sourcemaps
Why inline source maps?

Today I learned that it is possible to include source maps directly into your minified JavaScript file instead of having …

javascript gulp-sourcemaps
Task Runner Explorer window had "failed to load" under my Gulpfile.js and none of the build processes were listed

This happened randomly as I was updating my CSS file and then refreshing to notice no changes were being shown. …

node.js visual-studio gulp load gulp-sourcemaps
Best way to concat and uglify js in gulp

I am trying to do automation to concat and uglify js in gulp. Here is my gulpfile.js: gulp.task(…

gulp gulp-concat gulp-sourcemaps gulp-uglify
Uglify Minify and generate source map with Gulp

Can someone explain how to uglify, then concat and finally generate a source map using gulp? I cannot seem to …

node.js gulp gulp-concat gulp-uglify gulp-sourcemaps
Visual Studio Code debugging chrome, Breakpoints wont hit

I have a Angular2/typescript app I am developing in VSCode. I use Gulp to build the typescript files and …

google-chrome typescript angular visual-studio-code gulp-sourcemaps
Gulp-Sourcemaps, SyntaxError: Unexpected token >

Gulp / npm noobie here. I'm trying to use gulp-sourcemaps, and for some reason, it crashes on var sourcemaps = require('sourcemaps').(…

node.js npm gulp gulp-sourcemaps