Top "Gulp-concat" questions

gulp-concat is a gulp plugin for files concatenation.

How to tell Gulp to skip or ignore some files in gulp.src([...])?

How can I tell Gulp to skip or ignore some files in gulp.src([...])? For instance, I don't want to …

css gulp gulp-concat
How can I use gulp to replace a string in a file?

I am using gulp to uglify and make ready my javascript files for production. What I have is this code: …

javascript gulp gulp-concat gulp-replace
gulp concat after sass

I would like to take the sass output and concat it to another css regular file. example: animate.css app.…

sass gulp concat gulp-concat
Best way to concat and uglify js in gulp

I am trying to do automation to concat and uglify js in gulp. Here is my gulpfile.js: gulp.task(…

gulp gulp-concat gulp-sourcemaps gulp-uglify
Uglify Minify and generate source map with Gulp

Can someone explain how to uglify, then concat and finally generate a source map using gulp? I cannot seem to …

node.js gulp gulp-concat gulp-uglify gulp-sourcemaps
Combining multiple src streams in gulp?

I'm wondering if there's any way to combine these two separate tasks into one. This concat-js task requires a generated …

angularjs gulp gulp-concat