Top "Gridview-sorting" questions

Process of data arrangement in a gridview control

Yii2 data provider default sorting

In Yii 1.1 this code works for default sorting: $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('article',array( 'sort'=>array( 'defaultOrder'=>'id DESC', ), )); …

php yii yii2 gridview-sorting
Sorting gridview column in

I have a gridview that loads data from database. The data is displayed in the gridview for the first time …

c# gridview gridview-sorting
Working with ASP.Net GridView sorting and paging

We set up an ASP.Net GridView and included sorting and paging. When the user clicks on the GridView column … gridview paging gridview-sorting
Gridview RowCommand event is fired when I do sorting in gridview

I am trapped in some abnormal problem. When I do sorting in gridview, it fires RowCommand event for that grid … rowcommand gridview-sorting
.NET / WinForms - Clear a Sort on a DataGridView

What is the proper method to tell a DataGridView to stop sorting? I have a "screen" where I tell the …

.net winforms datagridview grid gridview-sorting
Sorting DataTable string column, but with null/empty at the bottom

I need to sort a DataTable or DataGridView by a column that is a string value, but with null/empty …

c# sorting datatable gridview-sorting
Extjs4- Giving a default sort for a column after grid is loaded

After the grid has been loaded with the data, if we try to sort any column, the default direction is …

extjs extjs4 extjs4.1 extjs4.2 gridview-sorting
No overload for method matches delegate 'System.EventHandler

I am merging 2 rows in the column header of a Gridview. The row has to sort. To add the sorting …

c# gridview merge row gridview-sorting