Top "Graphql" questions

GraphQL is an API technology designed to describe the complex, nested data dependencies of modern web applications.

Return HashMap<String, Object> from GraphQL-Java

I tried few variant and had no luck to return a map in GraphQL. So I have the following two …

java graphql graphql-java
GraphQL : the object name is defined in resolvers, but not in schema

I want to define a mutation using graphql. My mutation is getting an object as argument. So I defined the …

graphql apollo
Apollo/GraphQL field type for object with dynamic keys

Let's say my graphql server wants to fetch the following data as JSON where person3 and person5 are some id's: "…

graphql apollo apollo-server
JSON Schema to GraphQL schema converters

Are there any adapters which are converting JSON Schema schemas (e.g from Swagger) to GraphQL schemas? There is even …

swagger graphql jsonschema
GraphQL large integer error: Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value

I´m trying to store a UNIX timestamp in MongoDB using GraphQL, but it seens that GraphQL has a limit …

javascript mongodb mongoose graphql
POST on GraphQL returns 400 BAD REQUEST

I want to POST a mutation that updates field "name" which is JSONString. When I do that, I got a …

graphql bad-request
GraphQL Blackbox / "Any" type?

Is it possible to specify that a field in GraphQL should be a blackbox, similar to how Flow has an "…

javascript graphql graphql-js
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found <EOF>

I got the above error on a graphql query, I am using apollo-react by the way and using the Query …

graphql react-apollo graphql-tag
How to model recursive data structures in GraphQL

I have a tree data structure that I would like to return via a GraphQL API. The structure is not …

GraphQL mutation without sub section

I want to send graphql mutation request without sub section mutation _ { updateCurrentUser(fullName: "Syava", email: "[email protected]") } and I …

graphql graphql-js