Top "Apollo" questions

Apollo is a GraphQL client and cache for JavaScript, iOS (Swift) and Android.

ActiveMQ vs Apollo vs Kafka

I don't have any previous experience with *MQs and I'm looking to build knowledge on JMS and message queues in …

jms activemq message-queue apache-kafka apollo
GraphQL gql Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }

I'm attempting to set up Apollo GraphQL support in a new React project, but when I try to compile a …

syntax-error graphql apollo react-apollo graphql-tag
React Apollo - Make Multiple Queries

I have a queries file that looks like this: import {gql} from 'react-apollo'; const queries = { getApps: gql` { apps { id name } } `, …

javascript reactjs apollo react-apollo
Date and Json in type definition for graphql

Is it possible to have a define a field as Date or JSON in my graphql schema ? type Individual { id: …

graphql apollo
React Apollo Error: Invariant Violation: Could not find "client" in the context or passed in as an option

I'm building a project using React, Apollo and Next.js. I'm trying to update react-apollo to 3.1.3 and I'm now getting …

reactjs graphql apollo next.js
Apollo client: How to simply debug a 400 code error?

I'm using Apollo-client and I don't understand why this is so hard to debug my error: I'm trying to perform …

debugging graphql apollo
Add custom header to apollo client polling request

I am using the apollo-client library to query data from my Graphql server. Some of the queries are sent to …

javascript graphql apollo apollo-client graphql-js
Multiple Queries/Mutation in Apollo 2.1

I need some help using the new Query and Mutation component in Apollo 2.1, especially with multiple queries and mutations. I …

graphql apollo react-apollo
Why I got error: Cannot query field xx on type "Query"?

Although I copied and pasted the graphQL query from the GraphiQL tool after I tested it at GraphiQL successfully , the …

reactjs graphql apollo apollo-client
GraphQL - How to respond with different status code?

I'm having a trouble with Graphql and Apollo Client. I always created different responses like 401 code when using REST but …

javascript graphql apollo react-apollo