Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) provides a simple and robust mechanism for concurrent and asynchronous operations, primarily in Apple operating systems (e.g., iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS), but also FreeBSD and MidnightBSD.
Is it possible to reset the state of dispatch_once code in a unit test tearDown? I think it would …
objective-c grand-central-dispatchI created a NSOperationQueue to download images (from Twitter for Cell): NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc]init]; [queue addOperationWithBlock:^{ NSString *ImagesUrl = [[…
ios cocoa-touch asynchronous grand-central-dispatch nsoperationqueueIn Swift, I used this kind of pattern sometimes. { // do stuff in background, concurrent thread DispatchQueue.main.…
ios swift grand-central-dispatchWith Grand Central Dispatch, one can easily perform time consuming task on non-main thread, avoid blocking the main thead and …
ios objective-c grand-central-dispatchIs there any good documention on how many threads are created by GCD? At WWDC, they told us it's modeled …
ios grand-central-dispatchWhich tasks would be better suited to using NSOperation as opposed to using GCD when programming for the iPhone? To …
ios cocoa-touch nsoperation grand-central-dispatchDon't know a whole lot about blocks. How would you go about mimicking a repeating NSTimer with dispatch_after()? My …
objective-c nstimer objective-c-blocks grand-central-dispatch invocationThe following things are what I know & understand: Global queue is a concurrent queue which can dispatch tasks to …
ios multithreading grand-central-dispatch nsthread nsrunloopI am trying to create a loop like this: while (TRUE){ dispatch_after(...{ <some action> }); } After a viewDidLoad. …
ios objective-c grand-central-dispatch dispatchI'm using DispatchGroup.enter() and leave() to process a helper class's reverseG async function. Problem is clear, I'm using mainViewController's …
swift grand-central-dispatch reverse-geocoding completionhandler