I am trying to create a loop like this:
while (TRUE){
<some action>
After a viewDidLoad. The idea is to repeat the dispatch_after repeatedly. The dispatch_after waits two seconds before doing the action.
This does not work - the screen just blanks? Is it stuck in looping or ...?
Yes, you can do that with gcd. You need two additional c-functions though.
static void dispatch_async_repeated_internal(dispatch_time_t firstPopTime, double intervalInSeconds, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^work)(BOOL *stop)) {
__block BOOL shouldStop = NO;
dispatch_time_t nextPopTime = dispatch_time(firstPopTime, (int64_t)(intervalInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(nextPopTime, queue, ^{
if(!shouldStop) {
dispatch_async_repeated_internal(nextPopTime, intervalInSeconds, queue, work);
void dispatch_async_repeated(double intervalInSeconds, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^work)(BOOL *stop)) {
dispatch_time_t firstPopTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, intervalInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_async_repeated_internal(firstPopTime, intervalInSeconds, queue, work);
Tested! Works as intended.