Top "Grafana" questions

Grafana is an open-source web application for visualizing time-series databases, such as InfluxDB, Graphite, Prometheus and OpenTSDB

prometheus doesn't match regex query

I'm trying to write a prometheus query in grafana that will select visits_total{route!~"/api/docs/*"} What I'm trying …

grafana prometheus
How to use a InfluxDB-tag value in a grafana legend?

I have a InfluxDB dataseries. It stores one information about mulitple machines. I distingsh between these machines with a tag. …

influxdb grafana
Monitoring log files using some metrics exporter + Prometheus + Grafana

I need to monitor very different log files for errors, success status etc. And I need to grab corresponding metrics …

logging grafana prometheus
Grafana HTTP Error Bad Gateway and Templating init failed errors

Use helm installed Prometheus and Grafana on minikube at local. $ helm install stable/prometheus $ helm install stable/grafana Prometheus server, …

kubernetes monitoring grafana prometheus minikube
Query label_values not found in Prometheus

In the Grafana documentation, I found that I should be able to query my Prometheus server for all instances delivering …

grafana prometheus promql
How do I write an "or" logical operator on Prometheus or Grafana

I need to write a query that use any of the different jobs I define. {job="traefik" OR job="cadvisor" …

grafana prometheus
Customize the grafana icon and color scheme

Is there any way to customize the grafana dashboard? I figured there were CSS files some place in the installation …

css grafana
Create grafana dashboards with api

I'm trying to create grafana dashboards from a template with the api from grafana. I use grafana v2.0.2 at the …

influxdb grafana
How to change the x axis in Graphite/Grafana (to graph by day)?

I would like to have a bar graph in graphite/grafana that has a single bar per day, over the …

data-visualization graphite statsd grafana
Mixing multiple data sources in the same panel

Is there a way to mix multiple data sources in the same panel (I am not interested in the same …
