Top "Grafana" questions

Grafana is an open-source web application for visualizing time-series databases, such as InfluxDB, Graphite, Prometheus and OpenTSDB

Filter prometheus results by metric value, not by label value

Because Prometheus topk returns more results than expected, and because requires client-side processing that …

grafana prometheus
Graphing CPU Usage % on Grafana using influxDB data from Telegraf

I have grafana 3.0.4 / influxdb 0.13.0 / telegraf 0.13.1 I am trying to graph overall CPU usage by %. When I create a query using …

influxdb grafana
How to change default black color of Grafana

As the Grafana Dashboard comes with Default black back ground color. It is possible to change the color to some …

How can I visualize a histogram with Promdash or Grafana?

I'm attracted to prometheus by the histogram (and summaries) time-series, but I've been unsuccessful to display a histogram in either …

histogram grafana prometheus
How to completely uninstall grafana?

In Ubuntu 14.04, I installed grafana like below: dpkg -i grafana_4.1.2-1486989747_amd64.deb I am trying to uninstall it. I …

ubuntu ubuntu-14.04 grafana
Changing Grafana port

I currently have InfluxDB feeding dashboards in Grafana. I will eventually be deploying this stack on a server. However, the …

influxdb grafana
Multi-timeseries operations in Grafana

How do I subtract two timeseries in Grafana? Or add two together, divide one by another, etc...? I have found …

metrics influxdb grafana
How to use Metric value in Alias?

I created a new Graph in Grafana that takes data from OpenTSDB. The Alias field has the following value: Label $…

grafana opentsdb
Zabbix vs grafana vs kibana

I am exploring grafana for my log management and system monitoring. I found kibana is also used for same process. …

kibana zabbix grafana
grafana switch from http to https

I have successfully running a grafana instance on my server. It runs on http without a problem. Now I want …
