Top "Gps" questions

Abbreviation for Global Positioning System; a navigational system using satellite signals to fix the location of a radio receiver on or above the earth's surface.

Get current location using C#

My skill level: Beginner Code: C# (wpf) Hardware: Dell Venue 11 Pro tablet (windows 8.1) I would like to get the current …

c# wpf gps triangulation
Android - It takes long to get a GPS-Signal. How to implement a good GPS provider?

i wrote an app, that tracks the gps location while jogging. Unfortunately the app needs some time to get a …

android gps location-provider
Android Studio GeoDataClient cannot be resolved

I haven't seen this problem anywhere on the internet, also it doesn't seem the library is deprecated, but I just …

android api gps location geo
Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access

I am working on an application where one of the requirements is that I be able to perform realtime reverse …

python gps geocoding reverse-geocoding
Use Google Map in Blackberry application

Can anyone tell me how to use Google maps in blackberry application development instead of Blackberry map?

google-maps blackberry gps jsr179
Get City name from GPS co-ordinates

I want to get the name of the city from the GPS coordinates. I can get the details of the …

gps google-api city
New Android Geofence Api - Sample code does not alert/notify when at location

I need some clarity on the sample code supplied with Geofence guide as posted here :…

android gps geofencing android-geofence
Continuous location updates in background

i am developing a application which will send location updates continuously from a background service. i tried following code. public …

android gps locationlistener background-service location-client
Simplification / optimization of GPS track

I've got a GPS track produced by gpxlogger(1) (supplied as a client for gpsd). GPS receiver updates its coordinates every 1 …

optimization gps simplify gpx
Calculating Speed for a navigation app without getSpeed() method

I am developing an app which is more of a time-shift racing between your friends. I need to calculate speed …

android geolocation gps android-location android-navigation