Top "Gps" questions

Abbreviation for Global Positioning System; a navigational system using satellite signals to fix the location of a radio receiver on or above the earth's surface.

Bearing between two points

Ive been using the geopy package , which does a great job, however some of the results i get are inconsistant …

python gps coordinates bearing geopy
NMEA checksum calculation calculation

I am trying to find checksum for NMEA sentence which is already calculated by GPS. char GPRMCBuf[POS_BUFFER] = {0xA0, 0…

c algorithm gps checksum nmea
Taking altitude into account when calculating geodesic distance

i´m currently dealing with gps data combined with precise altitude measurement. I want to calculate the distance between two …

geometry gps geospatial
Getting the most accurate location/position? (GPS/Kalman/Android)

I'm developing an AR app for android and I need a really accurate position (under 1m). The app is pedestrian …

android gps location accelerometer kalman-filter
Phonegap Android and GPS satellite

It seems phonegap does not use GPS satellite instead geolocation from cellular network. I am not satisfied with the accuracy, …

android geolocation gps cordova satellite
C# serial communication with u-blox gps

I have a GPS from with a USB-connection and driver. The driver installs a virual COM port that …

c# serial-port gps usbserial
Android: How to measure distance with gps

I am trying to make a application,which is take latitude and longitude on current place of the user. And …

android gps distance measure
How to calculate distances between coordinates EFFICIENTLY in Oracle

I have a large Oracle database ( 720,000 records aprox) where each record has its own geographic coordinates (lat & lng) and …

oracle gps geo
Is it possible to get the atomic clock timestamp from the iphone GPS?

I'm looking for a reliable way to get the time. It can't be tampered with and it needs to work …

iphone gps gps-time
NameError: global name 'message' is not defined

I am new at python, currently I am working on a GPS tracker with that interacts with Google maps using …

python mysql python-2.7 gps gprs