Top "Google-play-games" questions

The Google Play Games services SDK provides cross-platform game services that lets you easily integrate popular gaming features such as achievements, leaderboards, and Cloud Save in your web-based games.

Top 5 scores from google leaderboard

My requirement is to get top 5 scores from leaderboard and display it in my app. There is a method loadTopScores …

android google-api andengine google-play-games leaderboard
Google Play Services Leak

I started using Google Play Game Services a while ago, and yesterday while checking the logcat I couldnt help to …

android memory-leaks google-play-services google-play-games
Google game services sign in issue (fails first attempt, successful second)

Currently trying to connect my game (that uses libgdx) to Google Game Services to enable leaderboard/achievements etc and seeing …

android libgdx google-play-services google-play-games
authenticating into Google Play Game Services on android results in error when signing in with Google Apps account

While authenticating into Google+ I experienced an "unknown error" message when signing in with a google apps account. I have …

android google-play-services google-play-games
Google Play Services - Sign in - Client ID debug vs release

After properly implementing Google Play Services in my first game now it is time for the second. I'm stuck on …

android eclipse google-play-services google-play-games
Fake scores in Google Play Game Services

Some of the scoreboards have been receiving fake score submissions. Here is an example: The same thing happened to a …

android google-play-games