Top "Google-cloud-bigtable" questions

Google Cloud Bigtable is a fast, fully managed, massively scalable NoSQL database service designed for applications requiring terabytes to petabytes of data.

Google Cloud Bigtable vs Google Cloud Datastore

What is the difference between Google Cloud Bigtable and Google Cloud Datastore / App Engine datastore, and what are the main …

google-app-engine google-cloud-platform google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-bigtable
Google Bigtable vs BigQuery for storing large number of events

Background We'd like to store our immutable events in a (preferably) managed service. Average size of one event is less …

google-app-engine google-bigquery bigtable google-cloud-bigtable
Which HBase connector for Spark 2.0 should I use?

Our stack is composed of Google Data Proc (Spark 2.0) and Google BigTable (HBase 1.2.0) and I am looking for a connector …

scala apache-spark hbase google-cloud-dataproc google-cloud-bigtable